An office for a young fin-tech company, this space was to be designed as an open office. With 90% of the staff being below 30, the brief demanded a work space that was fun and appealing to the young. It had to be flexible to accommodate the changing team sizes. There were to be no private cabins, the owners of the company worked in the same space as their staff. The only enclosed areas were to be the meeting rooms and the call centers.
Reception area with Meeting room
Helmet storage at entrance with hanging planters
Congregation Space
Meeting room
Lunch room
Planters along the Glazing
A square office block with glazing along 2 sides, the idea behind the design was to bring the greens inside, all the way till the darkest corner, almost like a terrarium – greens contained within a glass container.
The second important factor was the idea of breaking the monotony of the grid by adding a dynamic diagonal element. The triangular pockets thus created were used as common discussion areas. The colors used throughout were vibrant, mostly blues from the company’s logo, offset with shades of ochre.